20 February 2008

Assignment_2 Exercise_5

Drawing the sections through the object. Draw at least three sections. These should follow the cardinal axis. Where possible, dissect your object. Be inquisitive and try to uncover its workings. In the instance where you are unable to pull your object apart, you will need to take the initiative and research the object so that you can extrapolate what that internal structure might be. These sections should be the most detail drawings you have done so far. Between the sections, your earlier plans and elevations, your object should be fully documented.

Given: Wednesday February 20, 2008
Due: Friday February 22, 2008

1) Open file entitled: your initials_H2oDev_PO_Ex4
And save as: your initials_H2oDev_PO_Ex5
2) Continue your next layers of the drawing in this file
3) Draw the sections the same way that you have constructed the plan oblique and the plans and elevations.

Again printout at 1:1 scale for Friday
Place this file in your 2502 folder.