18 February 2008

Assignment_2 Exercise_4

Draw elevations of your objects. As you draw be aware that the word elevation is used relatively in this context. It is those faces that are defined as the “sides” in relation to top and bottom “plans”.

The elevations are drawings of the objects as viewed from all sides. Use construction and guide lines to make the connection between the plans and the elevations. Remain cognizant of the line weights and line types. At this stage your drawings should distinguish information graphically. A depth to your drawing should begin to emerge as a result. Make a consistent effort to clarify the unfolding of the drawing.

Given: Monday February 18, 2008
Due: Wednesday February 20, 2008

1) Open file entitled: your initials_H2oDev_PO_Ex3
And save as: your initials_H2oDev_PO_Ex4
2) Continue your next layers of the drawing in this file
3) Draw the elevations the same way that you have constructed the plan oblique and the plans.

Again printout at 1:1 scale for Wednesday
Place this file in your 2502 folder.